Samuel Grimshaw, Medal of Honor Recipient for Valor in the U.S. Civil War

Medals of Honor for Army (left) and Navy from Civil War Era

Samuel Grimshaw received the Medal of Honor for valorous action in the Civil War. Although the act was performed in 1864, the medal was not awarded until 30 years later. Samuel was born in 1840 in Jefferson County, Ohio to Joseph and Ann (Blackburn) Grimshaw. He was the grandson of Samuel and Mary (Shackleton) Grimshaw, who are described on a companion webpage. He is descended from the Edward and Dorothy (Raner) Grimshaw family line of Quakers from near Leeds in Yorkshire (see companion webpage).

Samuel served on the Union side in the Civil War, in Schofield’s Army of the Ohio, when he performed the act for which he was awarded the Medal of Honor. The action apparently occurred in the Battle of Utoy Creek, one of the skirmishes of Sherman’s march on Atlanta. In the late 1860s, Samuel and his wife, Rebecca M Little, moved from Ohio to Kansas with one child, Clifford, in time for the 1870 Census and subsequently had a daughter, Daisy D. a year later. John is buried in Holton Cemetery, Jackson County, in northeast Kansas. John’s father, Joseph, apparently also served in the Civil War and lost his life in action in 1864, according to records by Samuel on this webpage.


Webpage Credits

Biographical Information on Samuel Grimshaw Obtained by Trudell Wright

Samuel Grimshaw’s Medal of Honor

In Which Battle Did Samuel Demonstrate His Heroic Action?

Where Did the Battle of Utoy Creek Take Plance?

Samuel Grimshaw’s Birthplace in Smithfield, Jefferson County, Ohio

Family History of Samuel Grimshaw

Samuel Grimshaw and Family in 1870 and 1880 U.S. Census Records

Parents’ Marriage Record 

Grimshaws in Jefferson County, OH in the 1820, 1830 and 1850 U.S. Censuses

Obituary for Samuel Grimshaw

Samuel Grimshaw’s Final Resting Place

Additional Information on the Congressional Medal of Honor

More Information on Sherman’s March on Atlanta

More Information on the 52nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment


Webpage Credits

Thanks go to Trudell Wright for providing information and the inspiration for this webpage.

Biographical Information on Samuel Grimshaw Obtained by Trudell Wright

Trudell obtained the information shown below during her visit to the USS Yorktown in April or May 2004. When she provided the information to the webpage author, she included a note, which reads as follows: “The papers enclosed are copies of some of the information in Samuel’s file on the Yorktown in Mt. Pleasant, SC. I asked for a copy so that I could check it with my Grimshaws. You may have this copy; it comes from his file located at the Congressional medal of Honor Society Nat’l Headquarters”. (The information below is slightly edited by the author to improve readability. It appears to be a transcription of a two-part record, each followed by a signature).

My full name is Samuel Grimshaw.

Born (date)

March 2nd







Fathers Name

Joseph Grimshaw

Date and place of birth

1812, Leeds, England

Date and place of death

At Smithfield, Sept 1864, from army service

Maiden name of mother

Ann Blackburn

Date and place of birth

Westmoreland Co, Pa

Date and place of death

Smithfield, 1874

Where I lived prior to coming to Kansas

Smithfield, Jefferson County, Ohio

Education of subject of sketch

Common school education in schools of Ohio as conducted in the 40s and 50s of the last century.


Republican straight

Religious denomination

Christian Church

Military service

Co. B, Col Dan. McCooks 52nd Ohio Inft Volunteers wounded twice


[none listed]


G.A.R. Post, Holton, Kas

Official positions held Justice of Peace 8 yrs. Notary Public 12 yrs. Government Enumerator in 1890. Was a Pension Atty for 14 yrs having a licens (sic) from the Department as licensed atty.

Details of public service

Was always successful in what I done for the public. Never had a case as justice reversed in Dist Court. And paters [?] as notary always stood test of the legal requirements. And as to my work as an Enumerator I received from the Supervisor a letter of high commendation as to the efficiency of my work.

Remarks concerning ancestry, etc.

I came from English ancestry on both sides of house. Father came to his country when 21 years of age. Mothers people came with Penn. Both sides of house were Quakers. Grandfather Blackburn was a Quaker Evangelist haveing (sic) traveled in several of the Southern States some years before the civil war. Was a pioneer of Western Pennsylvania and of Eastern Ohio. I was a member of Corl. (sic) Dan McCoks 52d Ohio Vol inft who was killed in the charge at Kinnessaw (sic) Mountain Ga June the 27th 1864. (He raised the 2d company in Kas; was in Wilson Creek fight as Capt of said compy). I enlisted Aug 9th 1862 in Co B and in said Company and Regt until close of war. Made the March to the Sea in 14th A. C. Also the Carolinas Campaigns, and was in our last at Bentonville North Carolina 65. Participated in the Grand Review at Washington D.C. My father was a soldier in the hundred day but served 5 months and was 52 yrs of age at time enlistment serving in 158th Ohio.

Samuel Grimshaw

Married (date)

Feb. 20 1868






West Va

Wifes (or husbands) name

Rebecca M. Little

Date and place of birth

Monroe County, Ohio, Jan 8th 1843

Date and place of death

Holton, Jackson County, March 4th, 1914

Name of wifes (or husbands) father

Thomas Little

Date and place of birth

Pennsylvania, 1808

Date and place of death

Havensville, Pottawatomie Co, Kans, 1891

Maiden name wifes (or husbands) mother

Rebecca Vickers [?]

Date and place of birth

In Pa 1807

Date and place of death

Woodsfield, Monroe Co, Ohio, 1885

Names of my children, with date and place of birth

F.C. Grimshaw was born at Smithfield, Jefferson County, Ohio January 3d 1869 and was brought to Kans with his parents in March 1869. Daisy Dean Grimshaw was born June 15, 1881 near Havensville, Pottawatomie County, Kans. Both of above are married. Son lives in Des Moins (sic) Iowa. The daughter in Albequerque (sic) New Mexico. These being the only children.

Give date and place of any deaths

R.M. Grimshaw, wife of Samuel Grimshaw, died March 4th 1914 in City of Holton, Jackson County, Kansas.

General Remarks

The 52d Ohio was the first with rest of Brigades to open the Battle of Chickamauga and were the last to retire from the field near midnight Sunday, holding open Rossville Gap Sunday afternoon and night through which left wing of army retired from field. The 52d lost more men on the Atlanta campaign than any other Regt in 14th A. C. as given by Official Records. Our Brigade loss at Kenessaw four hundred out 12 hundred in some forty minutes. Have voted for every Republican Governor Kansas except first two. Also every Republican President from Lincoln down. Am proud of my adopted State and that I had a had[a] hand although (but small) that I was one of the whole that helped make her the leading state she is in the “Galaxy” of the States of the union.

Samuel Grimshaw

Trudell posted the following information on Samuel Grimshaw on on May 24, 2004 (slightly edited):

Samuel GrimshawSouth Carolina Civil War Medal of Honor Recipient

While on vacation in South Carolina, I had the pleasure of touring the USS Yorktown. One of the displays listed the Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients and to my delight listed a Grimshaw. Needless to say, being a Grimshaw descendant, I stopped and inquired about this gentleman.

Samuel Grimshaw, born March 2nd,
1840, SmithfieldOhio, father’s name Joseph Grimshaw born 1812 Leeds,

England, mother, Ann Blackburn born Westmoreland Co. Pa.

If you are a descendant of this Grimshaw, please contact Congressional Medal of Honor Society National Headquarters Carol Cepregi, Administrative Assistant

40 Patriots Point Road

Mt. PleasantSC29464
phone 843 884 8862/8136


There is quit a extensive file on Samuel Grimshaw. Samuel as it turns out is NOT a relative of mine. Just passing along some information

Samuel Grimshaw’s Medal of Honor

Samuel was awarded his Medal of Honor for heroic action on August 6, 1864 in Georgia during General William T. Sherman’s march on Atlanta. As shown in the citations below, Samuel “saved the lives of some of his comrades, and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.” Samuel was a Private in the 52nd Ohio Infantry during his Civil War service. The following websites provide additional information on Samuel’s heroic action and associated citation.



Rank and Organization: Private, Company B, 52d Ohio Infantry. Place and Date: At Atlanta. Ga., 6 August 1864. Birth: Jefferson County, Ohio. Date of Issue: 5 April 1894.


Saved the lives of some of his comrades, and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.

Born: March 02, 1840 at Jefferson County, OH

Entered Service in the US Army from Smithfield, OH

Earned The Medal of Honor During the Civil War For heroism August 06, 1864 at Atlanta, GA

Died: November 09, 1918 at the age of 78


Rank and organization: Private, Company B, 52d Ohio Infantry. Place and date: At Atlanta. Ga., 6 August 1864. Entered service at: ——. Birth: Jefferson County, Ohio. Date of issue: 5 April 1894. Citation: Saved the lives of some of his comrades, and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.

Samuel Grimshaw




Birth:   unknown Jefferson County, Ohio, USA
Death:   Nov. 11, 1918 Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Samuel Grimshaw was awarded the Medal of Honor on 5 April 1894 for actions he had taken during the Civil War at Atlanta, Georgia, on 6 August 1864. Grimshaw, a Private in Co. B, 52nd Ohio Infantry “saved the lives of some of his comrades and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.” (bio by: Kent Kooi)

Burial: Holton Cemetery Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Record added: Feb 2 2003 By: Kent Kooi






Birth:   unknown Jefferson County, Ohio, USA
Death:   Nov. 11, 1918 Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Samuel Grimshaw was awarded the Medal of Honor on 5 April 1894 for actions he had taken during the Civil War at Atlanta, Georgia, on 6 August 1864. Grimshaw, a Private in Co. B, 52nd Ohio Infantry “saved the lives of some of his comrades and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.” (bio by: Kent Kooi)

Burial: Holton Cemetery Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Record added: Feb 2 2003 By: Kent Kooi




Birth:   unknown Jefferson County, Ohio, USA
Death:   Nov. 11, 1918 Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Samuel Grimshaw was awarded the Medal of Honor on 5 April 1894 for actions he had taken during the Civil War at Atlanta, Georgia, on 6 August 1864. Grimshaw, a Private in Co. B, 52nd Ohio Infantry “saved the lives of some of his comrades and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.” (bio by: Kent Kooi)

Burial: Holton Cemetery Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Record added: Feb 2 2003 By: Kent Kooi


Birth: unknown Jefferson County, Ohio, USADeath: Nov. 11, 1918 Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Samuel Grimshaw was awarded the Medal of Honor on 5 April 1894 for actions he had taken during the Civil War at Atlanta, Georgia, on 6 August 1864. Grimshaw, a Private in Co. B, 52nd Ohio Infantry “saved the lives of some of his comrades and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.” (bio by: Kent Kooi)

 Burial: Holton Cemetery Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA
Record added: Feb 2 2003 By: Kent Kooi



Birth:   unknown Jefferson County, Ohio, USA
Death:   Nov. 11, 1918 Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Samuel Grimshaw was awarded the Medal of Honor on 5 April 1894 for actions he had taken during the Civil War at Atlanta, Georgia, on 6 August 1864. Grimshaw, a Private in Co. B, 52nd Ohio Infantry “saved the lives of some of his comrades and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.” (bio by: Kent Kooi)

Burial: Holton Cemetery Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Record added: Feb 2 2003 By: Kent Kooi




Birth:   unknown Jefferson County, Ohio, USA
Death:   Nov. 11, 1918 Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Samuel Grimshaw was awarded the Medal of Honor on 5 April 1894 for actions he had taken during the Civil War at Atlanta, Georgia, on 6 August 1864. Grimshaw, a Private in Co. B, 52nd Ohio Infantry “saved the lives of some of his comrades and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.” (bio by: Kent Kooi)

Burial: Holton Cemetery Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Record added: Feb 2 2003 By: Kent Kooi


Birth: unknown Jefferson County, Ohio, USADeath: Nov. 11, 1918 Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Samuel Grimshaw was awarded the Medal of Honor on 5 April 1894 for actions he had taken during the Civil War at Atlanta, Georgia, on 6 August 1864. Grimshaw, a Private in Co. B, 52nd Ohio Infantry “saved the lives of some of his comrades and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.” (bio by: Kent Kooi)

 Burial: Holton Cemetery Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA
Record added: Feb 2 2003 By: Kent Kooi


Birth:   unknown Jefferson County, Ohio, USA
Death:   Nov. 11, 1918 Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Samuel Grimshaw was awarded the Medal of Honor on 5 April 1894 for actions he had taken during the Civil War at Atlanta, Georgia, on 6 August 1864. Grimshaw, a Private in Co. B, 52nd Ohio Infantry “saved the lives of some of his comrades and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.” (bio by: Kent Kooi)

Burial: Holton Cemetery Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Record added: Feb 2 2003 By: Kent Kooi


Birth: unknown Jefferson County, Ohio, USADeath: Nov. 11, 1918 Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Samuel Grimshaw was awarded the Medal of Honor on 5 April 1894 for actions he had taken during the Civil War at Atlanta, Georgia, on 6 August 1864. Grimshaw, a Private in Co. B, 52nd Ohio Infantry “saved the lives of some of his comrades and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.” (bio by: Kent Kooi)

 Burial: Holton Cemetery Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA
Record added: Feb 2 2003 By: Kent Kooi
Birth: unknown Jefferson County, Ohio, USA
Death: Nov. 11, 1918 Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Samuel Grimshaw was awarded the Medal of Honor on 5 April 1894 for actions he had taken during the Civil War at Atlanta, Georgia, on 6 August 1864. Grimshaw, a Private in Co. B, 52nd Ohio Infantry “saved the lives of some of his comrades and greatly imperiled his own by picking up and throwing away a lighted shell which had fallen in the midst of the company.” (bio by: Kent Kooi)

Burial: Holton Cemetery Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, USA

Record added: Feb 2 2003 By: Kent Kooi

In Which Battle Did Samuel Demonstrate His Heroic Action?

On the day that Samuel won his Medal of Honor, August 6, 1864, the 52nd Ohio Infantry (a component of General Schofield’s Army of the Ohio) was engaged in the Battle of Utoy Creek, about 10 miles southwest of Atlanta. The battle is capably described on a website as follows:

Utoy Creek

Other Names:


Location: Fulton County

Campaign: Atlanta Campaign (1864)

Date(s): August 5-7, 1864

Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield [US]; Gen. John B. Hood [CS]

Forces Engaged: Army of the Ohio [US]; Army of Tennessee [CS]

Estimated Casualties: Unknown

Description: After failing to envelop Hoods left flank at Ezra Church, Sherman still wanted to extend his right flank to hit the railroad between East Point and Atlanta. He transferred John M. Schofield s Army of the Ohio from his left to his right flank and sent him to the north bank of Utoy Creek. Although Schofields troops were at Utoy Creek on August 2, they, along with the XIV Corps, Army of the Cumberland, did not cross until the 4th. Schofields force began its movement to exploit this situation on the morning of the 5th, which was initially successful. Schofield then had to regroup his forces, which took the rest of the day. The delay allowed the Rebels to strengthen their defenses with abatis, which slowed the Union attack when it restarted on the morning of the 6th. The Federals were repulsed with heavy losses by Bates Division and failed in an attempt to break the railroad. On the 7th, the Union troops moved toward the Confederate main line and entrenched. Here they remained until late August.

Result(s): Inconclusive

CWSAC Reference #: GA019

Preservation Priority: IV.1 (Class C)


It seems apparent that Samuel Grimshaw performed his heroic action on the second day (August 6) of Schofield’s attack on Confederate forces on Sherman’s right flank during the battle for Atlanta. Two dramatic scenes from a painting by Marc Stewart depicting the Battle of Utoy Creek are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Two segments of the painting “Battle of Utoy Creek” by Marc Stewart. Taken from the following website:

The battle is commemorated by two State of Georgia historical markers, “Battle of Utoy Creek” and “Embattled Ridge”, dated 1958, located on Cascade Road near the battle site. The text of the two markers is shown below.

Battle of Utoy Creek

Federal siege operations not only involved the encircling line of Atlanta defenses, but threatened the 2 railroads S.W. of the city. Pursuant thereto, Federal forces, after the Battle of Ezra Church, were shifted S. only to be confronted by a line of Confederate works W. of and parallel to the railroads. Blocking this southward drift, Bate’s div. of Hardee’s A.C. was posted on a ridge W. of the main line & S. of Sandtown Rd. Aug 6, 1864: Cox’s div 23d A.C., moving from N. of the rd., vainly attempted to dislodge Bate, who withdrew only when outflanked by Hascall’s div. Cascade Avenue was the old Sandtown Road.

The Embattled Ridge

Aug. 6, 1864. The ridge just S. (densely wooded at the time) was fortified & held by Gen. W.B. Bate’s div., Hardee’s A.C. It extended W. from the Atlanta to East Point works, & blocked further Federal moves toward the railroads. To eliminate this barrier, Cox’s div., 23d A.C. assaulted Bate’s position in an action known as the Battle of Utoy Creek. Strongly posted with abatis & head-logs, Bate withstood the frontal attack until forced to withdraw when his left was assailed from the direction of Cascade Springs. Fighting in the ranks of the embattled Confederate defenders of the ridge, was the famous “Orphan Brigade” of Kentucky.

Photos of the two historical makers are shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. Two historical markers denoting the action at the Battle of Utoy Creek. The near sign is entitled “Battle of Utoy Creek”. The far sign, just to the left of the sidewalk, near the telephone pole, is named “The Embattled Ridge”. Photos taken by website author in December 2004.

Close-up view of “Battle of Utoy Creek” marker.

Close View of “The Embattled Ridge” marker.

Where Did the Battle of Utoy Creek Take Place?

Utoy Creek is a tributary of the Chattahoochee River. The location of Utoy Creek southwest of Atlanta is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3a. Location of Utoy Creek south west of Atlanta, Georgia (red stars in the center of the photos).

Figure 3b. Topographic map of area where the Battle of Utoy Creek was fought. Note South Utoy Creek and Cascade Road. The two historical markers shown in Figure 2 are on the north side of Cascade Road in Section 201. The map is from U.S. Geological Survey 7-1/2 minute quadrangle originally named East Point, but later apparently renamed the Southwest Atlanta Quadrangle. South Utoy Creek flows westward and joins North Utoy Creek to the northwest, and flows into the Chattahoochee River as Utoy Creek further to the northwest..

Samuel Grimshaw’s Birthplace in Smithfield, Jefferson County, Ohio

Samuel Grimshaw was born in Smithfield and apparently joined the 52nd Ohio Infantry as a volunteer there as well. The location of Smithfield is shown in Figure 3. Samuel was born in Smithfield and was married in nearby Wheeling, West Virginia before migrating to Kansas.

Figure 3. Location of Smithfield in western Ohio, about 50 miles west of Pittsburgh (red star in center of map). 

Family History of Samuel Grimshaw

Samuel’s father, Joseph, was the son of Samuel and Mary (Shackleton?) Grimshaw, who are described on a companion webpage. As noted there, Samuel’s family line is descended from the Edward and Dorothy (Raner) Grimshaw line. A summary descendant chart from the webpage on Edward and Dorothy is shown in Figure 4 with some of Samuel Grimshaw’s family information added.

Figure 4. Descendant chart of Edward and Dorothy Grimshaw, showing the location of Samuel Grimshaw and his two children.

Edward Grimshaw (About 1559 – 22 Jun 1635) & Dorotye Raner

|–Abraham Grimshaw (1603 – 1670) & Sarah ( – 21 Sep 1695)

|–|–John Grimshaw* (23 Nov 1664 – 20 Jun 1749) & Grace Ibbotson (15 Nov 1671 – 29 Nov 1700)

|–|–|–Hannah Grimshaw (9 Jan 1697/1698 – ) & John Lister

|–|–|–John Grimshaw (26 Nov 1700 – 28 Nov 1700)

|–|–John Grimshaw* (23 Nov 1664 – 20 Jun 1749) & Phoebe Cockshaw (About 1678 – 21 Feb 1747/1748)

|–|–|–John Grimshaw (26 Apr 1703 – ) & Sarah Cooper

|–|–|–|–John Grimshaw (6 Apr 1728 – 17 Jan 1790) & Hannah Firth (1729 – 6 Mar 1801)

|–|–|–|–|–Sarah Grimshaw

|–|–|–|–|–Mary Grimshaw (12 Oct 1761 – )

|–|–|–|–|–John Grimshaw (3 May 1764 – 24 Nov 1836) & Margaret Hartley (21 Aug 1768 – 16 Oct 1835)

|–|–|–|–|–|–Unknown Grimshaw (1792 – )

|–|–|–|–|–|–John Grimshaw (1794 – )

|–|–|–|–|–|–Hannah Grimshaw (1795 – )

|–|–|–|–|–|–Tabitha Grimshaw (1798 – )

|–|–|–|–|–|–Jane Grimshaw (27 Nov 1799 – )

|–|–|–|–|–|–Margaret Grimshaw (29 Jan 1801 – )

|–|–|–|–|–|–Mary Grimshaw (1802 – )

|–|–|–|–|–|–Rachel Grimshaw (20 Oct 1804 – 1883) & Andrew Scholfield

|–|–|–|–|–|–John Grimshaw (1808 – )

|–|–|–|–|–|–Phebe Grimshaw (1812 – )

|–|–|–|–|–William Grimshaw (13 Aug 1766 – )

|–|–|–|–|–Samuel Grimshaw* (15 Jul 1769 – 18 Jan 1844) & Mary Bentley (1769 – 3 Jan 1799)

|–|–|–|–|–Samuel Grimshaw* (15 Jul 1769 – 18 Jan 1844) & Mary Shackleton (?)

|–|–|–|–|–|–Martha Grimshaw (30 Aug 1803 – 25 Jun 1841)

|–|–|–|–|–|–John Grimshaw (18 Dec 1805, England – 1854) & Madelin unk (ca 1810, England – ?)

|–|–|–|–|–|–|–Ellen M Grimshaw (?, Ohio – ?)

|–|–|–|–|–|–Samuel Grimshaw (18 Sep 1807, England – ? ) & Alice unk (ca 1815, Ireland – ?)

|–|–|–|–|–|–|–Mari Grimshaw (ca 1840, New Brunswick – ?)

|–|–|–|–|–|–Susanna Grimshaw (20 Dec 1809 – 20 Mar 1830)

|–|–|–|–|–|–Joseph Grimshaw (25 Jul 1811, Leeds, Yorkshire – Sep 1864, Smithfield, OH) &     Ann Blackburn (?, Westmoreland Co, PA – 1874, Smithfield, OH). Married 12 Mar 1839, Jefferson Co., OH.

|–|–|–|–|–|–|–Samuel Grimshaw (30 Apr 1840, Smithfield, OH – 11 Nov 1918, Holton, KS) &   Rebecca Matilda Little (8 Jan 1843, Monroe Co., OH – 4 Mar 1914, Holton, KS) Married 20 Feb 1868, Wheeling, WV

|–|–|–|–|–|–|–|–F. Clifford Grimshaw (3 Jan 1869, Smithfield, OH – ?)

|–|–|–|–|–|–|–|–Daisy Dean Grimshaw (15 June 1881, Havensville, KS – ?) & unknown Ross

|–|–|–|–|–|–|–Edmund Grimshaw (ca 1840, OH – ?) [Twin of Samuel?]

|–|–|–|–|–|–|–Louiza Grimshaw (ca 1842, OH – ?)

|–|–|–|–|–|–|–James Grimshaw (ca 1843, OH – ?)

|–|–|–|–|–|–|–Hannah Grimshaw (ca 1844, OH – ?)

|–|–|–|–|–|–|–Mary Grimshaw (ca 1845, OH – ?)

|–|–|–|–|–|–Mary Grimshaw (30 Apr 1814 – 14 Jul 1867)

|–|–|–|–|–Hannah Grimshaw (25 Jun 1772 – )

Joseph Grimshaw, a 35-year-old farmer, was living in Jefferson County, Ohio with his 30-year-old wife, Anne and their five children (all born in Ohio) – Edmund, age 10; Louiza M, 8; James, 7; Hannah, 6; and Mary, 5. Joseph and Anne were also born in Ohio. Interestingly, the census record is indexed on little Mary rather than her father, Joseph.

Samuel Grimshaw and Family in 1870 and 1880 U.S. Census Records

Samuel apparently moved from Ohio, where his son was born in 1869, to Kansas in time for the 1870 U.S. Census. The census record, from, is shown in Figure 5 along with an image of the Census entry for Samuel and his young family living in Pottawatomie County, Kansas.

Figure 5. 1870 U.S. Census record and associated image of the entry in the record book for Samuel Grimshaw and his family.

Name:Samuel Grimshaw
Age in 1870:29
Birth Year:

Home in 1870:Vienna, Pottawatomie, Kansas
Value of real estate:View Image

The 1880 U.S. Census shows Samuel and his wife (Rebecca) Matilda still living in Pottawatomie, Kansas as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Record of Samuel and Matilda Grimshaw in Pottawatomie, Kansas.


Census Place:

Mill Creek, Pottawatomie, Kansas




FHL Film 1254393 National Archives Film T9-0393 Page 224C


















Mo: PA










Keeping House

Fa: OH

Mo: PA










At School

Fa: OH

Mo: OH









The images of 1880 U.S. Census (left and right side of entry) are shown below.

Moved from Ohio to Kansas between 1869 (son’s birthdate) and 1871 (daughter’s birthdate).

Parents’ Marriage Record 

A record of the marriage of Samuel’s parents appears on the following website:

Joseph Grimshaw 
 Spouse: Ann Blackburn 


12 MAR 1839   Jefferson, Ohio


12 MAR 1839  Jefferson, Ohio
12 MAR 1839  Jefferson, Ohio
Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.

Grimshaws in Jefferson County, OH in the 1820, 1830 and 1850 U.S. Censuses

John and Margaret (Hartley) Grimshaw, described in a companion webpage, migrated to Jefferson County, Ohio from England and then New York and appears in the 1820 and 1830 U.S. Censuses. John Grimshaw was the older brother of a Samuel Grimshaw, who married first Mary Bentley and second Mary Shackleton. As noted above, this Samuel is the grandfather of the Samuel who received the Medal of Honor. Samuel and Mary (Shackleton) Grimshaw are described on a companion webpage. Three of their children, Joseph (father of the Samuel described on this webpage), John and Samuel immigrated to Jefferson County and appear in the 1850 U.S. Census. It is not known if Samuel and Mary immigrated also – they do not appear in any of the census.

In the 1850 U.S. Census, ten-year-old Samuel Grimshaw was living in Jefferson County, Ohio with the family of Thomas and Margaret Blackburn (Figure 7). He was a native of Ohio.

Figure 7. Image of record of 10-year-old Samuel in the 1850 U.S. Census

Samuel was probably living with his uncle Thomas Blackburn, likely the brother of his mother, Ann (Blackburn) Grimshaw.

Also shown in the 1850 U.S. Census (Figure 8) is Joseph Grimshaw, a 35-year-old farmer, was living in Jefferson County, Ohio with his 30-year-old wife, Anne and their five children (all born in Ohio) – Edmund, age 10; Louiza M, 8; James, 7; Hannah, 6; and Mary, 5. Joseph and Anne were also born in Ohio. Interestingly, the census record is indexed on little Mary rather than her father, Joseph.

Figure 8. Images of Joseph and Anne Grimshaw entries in the 1850 U.S. Census

This family is undoubtedly Samuel Grimshaw’s family of origin. Note that Edmund is shown as 10 years old, the same age as Samuel. Were they twins? Did Samuel go to live with his aunt and uncle for economic reasons?

Obituary for Samuel Grimshaw

Samuel’s obituary was published in the Holton (Kansas) Recorder in November, 1918. The text of the obituary is shown below, followed by the address of the webpage where it was found.


The Holton Recorder, Thursday, November 14, 1918, Pg 2


Samuel Grimshaw, son of Joseph and Ann Grimshaw, was born in Smithfield, Jefferson county, Ohio, March 2, 1840, and died in Holton, Kan., Nov. 9, 1918, at the age of 78 years, 3 months and 2 days. He served three years in the Civil war in the 52nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was one of three Civil war veterans in Kansas wearing a medal of honor received for distinguished service. He was married February 20, 1886, to Rebecca M. Little at Wheeling, West Virginia. Mrs. Grimshaw died in Holton, March 4, 1914. He is survived by one son, F. C. Grimshaw of this city and one daughter, Daisy D. Ross of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The funeral services were held at the Christian church, of which Mr. Grimshaw was a member, and from which he will be missed as a faithful attendant. The services were in charge of the pastor, Frank G. Richard, and the G. A. R. The body was placed to rest in the Holton cemetery.

Mr. Grimshaw will be greatly missed from our community. It seemed very fitting that on the day we celebrate world peace, we should honor this veteran who helped save America that America might be able to help save the world.


Samuel Grimshaw’s Final Resting Place

Samuel’s gravestone at his burial place in Holton, Kansas clearly indicates his status as recipient of the Medal of Honor, as shown in Figure 9. The location of Holton in Kansas, about 60 miles northwest of Kansas City, is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 9. Photo of Samuel Grimshaw’s gravestone with the “Medal of Honor” inscription as well as the distinctive five-pointed star emblem of the medal.

Figure 10. Location of Holton, Kansas northwest of Kansas City and north of Topeka (red star in center of map).

Additional Information on the Congressional Medal of Honor

The Congressional Medal of Honor is described in some detail on several websites as shown below. Photos and descriptions of the two versions of the medal are provided in Figure 11 below.

The Congressional Medal Of Honor

The Medal of Honor, established by joint resolution of Congress, 12 July 1862 (amended by Act of 9 July 1918 and Act of 25 July 1963) is awarded in the name of Congress to a person who, while a member of the Armed Services, distinguishes himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an action against any enemy of The United States; while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which The United States is not a belligerent party. The deed performed must have been one of personal bravery or self-sacrifice so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the individual above his comrades and must have involved risk of life. Incontestable proof of the performance of service is exacted and each recommendation for award of this decoration is considered on the standard of extraordinary merit….

The President, in the name of Congress, has awarded more than 3,400 Medals of Honor to our nation’s bravest Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen since the decoration’s creation in 1861.

The Medal of Honor was first issued during the Civil War, and since it was the only military award for valor during that war, 1,527 medals were awarded. By the time of the Spanish American War, there were more earned medals available for distribution, and the Medal of Honor became the supreme honor. During the military action in Vietnam, a much longer conflict than the Civil War, 238 medals were awarded.

Early in the Civil War, a medal for individual valor was proposed to General-in-Chief of the Army Winfield Scott. But Scott felt medals smacked of European affectation and killed the idea.

The medal found support in the Navy, however, where it was felt recognition of courage in strife was needed. Public Resolution 82, containing a provision for a Navy medal of valor, was signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln on December 21, 1861. The medal was “to be bestowed upon such petty officers, seamen, landsmen, and Marines as shall most distinguish themselves by their gallantry and other seaman like qualities during the present war.”

Shortly after this, a resolution similar in wording was introduced on behalf of the Army. Signed into law July 12, 1862, the measure provided for awarding a medal of honor “to such noncommissioned officers and privates as shall most distinguish themselves by their gallantry in action, and other soldierlike qualities, during the present insurrection.”

Although it was created for the Civil War, Congress made the Medal of Honor a permanent decoration in 1863. 1,520 Medals were awarded during the Civil War, 1,195 to the Army, 308 to the Navy, 17 to the Marines. 25 Medals were awarded posthumously.

For years, the citations highlighting these acts of bravery and heroism resided in dusty archives and only sporadically were printed. In 1973, the U.S. Senate ordered the citations compiled and printed as Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, U.S. Senate, Medal of Honor Recipients: 1863-1973 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1973). This book was later updated and reprinted in 1979.

The breakdown of these is a duplicate of that in the congressional compilation. Likewise, some minor misspelling and other errors are duplicated from the official government volume. These likely were the result of the original transcriptions. The following is an index of the full-text files by war.

Civil War Recipients of The Congressional Medal of Honor 

Early in the Civil War, a medal for individual valor was proposed to General-in-Chief of the Army Winfield Scott. But Scott felt medals smacked of European affectation and killed the idea.

The medal found support in the Navy, however, where it was felt recognition of courage in strife was needed. Public Resolution 82, containing a provision for a Navy medal of valor, was signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln on December 21, 1861. The medal was “to be bestowed upon such petty officers, seamen, landsmen, and Marines as shall most distinguish themselves by their gallantry and other seamanlike qualities during the present war.”

Shortly after this, a resolution similar in wording was introduced on behalf of the Army. Signed into law July 12, 1862, the measure provided for awarding a medal of honor “to such noncommissioned officers and privates as shall most distinguish themselves by their gallantry in action, and other soldierlike qualities, during the present insurrection.”

Although it was created for the Civil War, Congress made the Medal of Honor a permanent decoration in 1863. 1,520 Medals were awarded during the Civil War, 1,195 to the Army, 308 to the Navy, 17 to the Marines and 4 to civilians. 25 Medals were awarded posthumously


The Navy’s Medal of Honor was the first approved and the first designed. The initial work was done by the Philadelphia Mint at the request of Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles. The Mint submitted several designs for consideration, and the one prepared by the Philadelphia firm of William Wilson & Sons was the design selected.

The selected Medal of Honor design consisted of an INVERTED, 5-pointed STAR. On each of the five points was a cluster of LAUREL leaves to represent victory, mixed with a cluster of OAK to represent strength. Surrounding the encircled insignia were 34 stars, equal to the number of stars in the U.S. Flag at the time….one star for each state of the Union including the 11 Confederate states.

Inside the circle of 34 stars were engraved two images. To the right is the image of Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom and war. On her helmet is perched an owl, representing WISDOM. In keeping with the Roman tradition, her left hand holds a bundle of rods and an ax blade, symbolic of authority. The shield in her right hand is the shield of the Union of our states (similar to the shield on our seal and other important emblems.)

Recoiling from Minerva is a man clutching snakes in his hands. He represented DISCORD and the insignia came to be known as “Minerva Repulsing Discord”. Taken in the context of the Civil War soldiers and sailors struggling to overcome the discord of the states and preserve the Union, the design was as fitting as it was symbolic.

Figure 11. Navy and Army versions of the Medal of Honor in the Civil War timeframe.


For all practical intents and purposes, the Navy Medal of Honor remains the same today as it did when it was born. The only change has been in the attachment that connects it to the ribbon, and the ribbon itself. Originally the Navy Medal of Honor was suspended from its red, white and blue ribbon by an anchor wrapped with a length of rope. The reverse side of the Medal was inscribed with the words “Personal Valor” above an open area in which the recipient’s name could be engraved.


Struck from the same die as the Navy Medal of Honor, the original Army Medal differed only in the emblem that attached it to the same red, white and blue ribbon as the Navy. Replacing the anchor was an eagle perched on crossed cannon and clutching a saber in its talons. Replacing the words “Personal Valor” on the back of the Medal were the words “The Congress To” with an area to engrave the recipient’s name.


More Information on Sherman’s March on Atlanta

An overview of the campaign in which Samuel fought and won his Medal is provided below.

Sherman at Atlanta

By Joseph Leach, Contributing Historian

The Atlanta campaign was started by Sherman on May 7th, 1864. His army group consisted of Thomas’s Army of the Cumberland, McPherson’s Army of the Tennessee, and Schofield’s Army of the Ohio. He had almost 100,000 troops with him. Facing this horde was General Joe Johnston’s Army of Tennessee with a grand total of 65,000 men. The battle started with Thomas hitting the Rebels at Dalton, Georgia and driving them back.

It became a chess game after that. Sherman would attack the Confederates with a head on assault by Thomas’s army, and at the same time send the other two armies in flanking moves to surround them. Johnston always slipped from the trap, and they’d start maneuvering all over again. But all the while Sherman had Atlanta in his sights. He finally reached the outskirts of that city in mid July and bogged down. Johnston still wouldn’t let his army be drawn into a large engagement. He knew if he was beaten, the cause was lost here in the west. This irked Jeff dDvis, who held some animosity toward Johnston anyway. Davis wanted the Yankees hit and stopped. He finally replaced Johnston with General Hood, an aggressive leader.

Knowing what was expected of him, Hood attacked the invading Federals twice in July of ’64 and was beaten off both times with a total of 13,0000 casualties. Incredibly, he tried a third time and was again given a serious beating. This weakened his army so much he was forced to vacate the city and Sherman marched his troops in on September 2nd, 1864. He now changed his tactics. Resolved that he wasn’t about t catch the rebels in a conclusive battle in the near future, he decided to make the civilian population of the South get sick and tired of this war. The total warfare that was taking place in the Shenandoah, was now about to start in the deep South.

On the 16th of November, Sherman started on his famous march to the sea. He was about to prove that the Confederacy couldn’t protect its citizens, and their property, by marching an army, 60,000 strong, right through its heart The men were ordered to destroy everything it their path, and to live off the country. His army covered a 60 mile wide front as they slowly made their way through Georgia. Everything that couldn’t be carried off was given to the slaves or burned. A waste land was left in the army’s wake. They reached Savannah on the coast Christmas Eve and Sherman wired Lincoln that he was giving him that city as a Christmas present.


More Information on the 52nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment

The history and characteristics of the 52nd Ohio Infantry Regiment are well described on two websites.

52nd Ohio Infantry

compiled by Larry Stevens


Organized in August, 1862, under Colonel Dan McCook, it immediately went to the field, operating in Kentucky against the invasion of Bragg. After the battle of Perryville the Regiment performed garrison duty at Nashville until March, 1863; moved into Alabama in September and then to Chickamauga, where it performed good service in that sanguinary battle. It stormed Mission Ridge with Sherman, and followed Bragg’s retreating army to Ringgold; turning again it marched into East Tennessee to the relief of Knoxville. In May the Regiment joined Sherman’s Atlanta campaign and fought at Dalton, Resaca, Peach Tree Creek, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta and Jonesboro. At Kenesaw Colonel McCook was mortally wounded. From Atlanta the 52d moved with Sherman to the sea, thence through the Carolina’s, and was mustered out at Washington June 3d, 1865.

Colonel Daniel McCook 52nd O.V.I. Mortally wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia June 27, 1864

From Dyer’s Compendium

52nd Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp Dennison, Ohio, August, 1862. Left State for Lexington, Ky., August 25. Attached to 36th Brigade, 11th Division, Army of the Ohio, to October, 1862. 36th Brigade, 11th Division, 3rd Army Corps, Army of the Ohio, to November, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, Centre 14th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to January, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 14th Army Corps, to June, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Reserve Corps, Dept. of the Cumberland, to October, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 14th Army Corps, to June, 1865. SERVICE.–March to relief of General Nelson August 29-September 1. Action at Richmond August 30. Kentucky River August 31. Lexington September 2. Pursuit of Bragg to Crab Orchard. Ky., October 3-15. Battle of Perryville, Ky., October 8. March to Nashville, Tenn., October 16-November 7. Action at Mitchellsville November 5. Duty at Nashville, Tenn., till March, 1863. Escort ammunition trains to Stone’s River December 28-80, 1862. Moved to Brentwood, Tenn., March, 1863, and duty there till June 5. Moved to Murfreesboro, Tenn., and duty there till July 16. Garrison duty at Nashville, Tenn., till August 20. March to Bridgeport, Ala., via Franklin, Columbia, Athens and Huntsville. August 20-September 14. Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19-21. Duty in Lookout Valley till November 6. (Temporarily attached to 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 11th Army Corps.) At Chickamauga Creek till November 24. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 24-27. Tunnel Hill November 24-25. Mission Ridge November 25. Pursuit to Graysville November 26-27. March to relief of Knoxville, Tenn., November 28-December 18. At North Chickamauga and McAffee’s Church, Ga., till May, 1864. Demonstration on Dalton February 22-27. Tunnel Hill, Buzzard’s Roost Gap and Rocky Face Ridge February 23-25. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May to September. Tunnel Hill May 6-7. Demonstration on Rocky Face Ridge May 8-11. Buzzard’s Roost Gap May 8-9. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Rome May 17-18. Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Pine Hill June 11-14. Lost Mountain June 15-17. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Ruff’s Station, Smyrna Camp Ground, July 4. Chattahoochie River July 5-17. Peach Tree Creek July 19-20. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Utoy Creek August 5-7. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Lovejoy Station September 2-6. Operations against Hood in North Georgia and North Alabama September 29-November 3. March to the sea November 15-December 10. Louisville November 30. Siege of Savannah December 10-21. Campaign of the Carolinas January to April, 1865. Taylor’s Hole Creek, Averysboro, N. C., March 16. Battle of Bentonville March 19-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Bennett’s House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C, via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 20. Grand review May 24. Mustered out June 3, 1865. Regiment lost during service 7 Officers and 94 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 168 Enlisted men by disease. Total 270.

Companies by County

Company A Paulding and Van Wert Counties
Company B Mt. Pleasant and Smithfield, Jefferson County
Company C Barnesville, Boston and Somerton, Belmont County
Company D New Comerstown and New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas County
Company E Bloomfield, New Alexandria and Steubenville, Jefferson County
Company F Belmont County
Company G Jefferson County
Company H Cincinnati, Hamilton County and Fairfield County
Company I Cleveland, Painesville and the Western Reserve
Company K Cincinnati, Hamilton County

County listing from Stewart’s Dan McCook’s Regiment, 52nd O.V.I..

More about the

Civil War in Ohio.

Copyright © 1995 Larry Stevens

Last updated February 21 2004


The second website description of the 52nd Ohio Regiment is shown below:

Dan McCook’s Regiment:

52nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry 1862-1865

by Nixon B. Stewart

Between August 1862 and May 1864, the 52nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry enjoyed a charmed existence. All that ended when Gen. William T Sherman’s Federal columns embarked May 7 for Atlanta, the 52nd leading the advance south at the head of its army corps. During the next four months of exhaustive campaigning the Buckeyes’ discipline and courage were tested as never before, their ranks reduced by 253 casualties – the highest total of any regiment then serving in the l4th Corps, Army of the Cumberland.

Recruited in Jefferson, Belmont, Tuscarawas and Van Wert counties, as well as Cincinnati, Cleveland and the state’s Western Reserve, the 52nd was led by Col. Daniel McCook Jr.. a scion of Ohio’s famous McCook family. “Colonel Dan,” as his. men universally called him, was a pre-war law partner of Sherman, a lover of poetry and student of military history. Soon elevated to brigade command, McCook performed valuable service in the Perryville, Stones River, Chickamauga, and Chattanooga campaigns, although his Ohioans experienced limited combat.

When the rough slopes of Kennesaw Mountain were reached in June 1864 the 52nd met the grim face of war head on. In a desperate uphill assault entrenched Confederates on June 27 at what became known as the “Dead Angle,” McCook’s brigade was repulsed, losing 35 percent of its strength. More than 135 Buckeyes were shot down, 45 of them killed or mortally wounded including McCook. A member of the 52nd described Kennesaw as “our golgotha and our Waterloo.” The regiments major, J. Taylor Holmes, wrote soon afterward: “Men gave up their fives everywhere, it seemed. You could not say or think who would die or be maimed the next instant. [Our] point of assault was the key to the mountain, but human flesh could not do more than we did and a failure was the result.”

Eleven weeks later, after Atlanta finally was occupied, Holmes reflected: “No Ohio regiment has made a bloodier mark during the past four months.”

The narrative history of “Colonel Dan” McCook’s regiment originally was published in 1900 by Nixon B. Stewart, who served as a sergeant in Company E. Blue Acorn Press’ reprint features the addition of an index as well as 52 photo portraits, 11 of them new to this edition.

“The writer gives the history of his regiment from Camp Dennison to the Grand Review in graphic style. It is emphatically a picture of war from the personal view-point of a private soldier.” Daniel J. Ryan, The Civil War Literature of Ohio

Blue Acorn Press, 12/98



1Scott, Kenneth, compiler, 1979, British Aliens in the United States During the War of 1812: Baltimore, MD, Genealogical Publishing Co., 420 p.

2Scott, Kenneth, and Roseanne Conway, compilers, 1978, New York Alien Residents, 1825-1848: Baltimore, MD, Genealogical Publishing Co., 122 p.

Webpage History

Webpage initiated May, finalized June 2004. Updated December 2004 with topographic map and photos of two historical markers. Updated March 2007 with addition of obituary from Holton Recorder.