Website Outline
The following outline shows the webpages of the Grimshaw Origins and Family History website and their overall relationship to each other. The file names of the webpages are included in parentheses. Updates and additions to the website are provided on a companion webpage.
1. HomePage – Grimshaw Origins and Early History – (index)
1.1. What’s New? – Latest Changes and Additions to the Website (WhatsNew)
1.2. Website Outline (WebOutl)
1.3. Important References for Grimshaw Research (in preparation)
2. Grimshaw Locations and Early History
2.1. Viking Origins of the Grimshaw Surname (VikgOrig)
2.2. Important Grimshaw Locations near Blackburn (ImptLanc)
2.2.1 Location of County of Lancashire in England (LancEngl)
2.2.2 Regional Map of Blackburn and Preston Area (BarthMap)
2.2.3 Geology of the Blackburn area (GeolBlak)
2.3 Earliest Recorded Grimshaw Family (EarlRecd)
2.3 1 Grimshaw Coat of Arms (CoatArms)
2.3.2 Walter de Grimshaw of Edisford (Edisford)
2.3.3 Grimshaw Entries in the Harleian Manuscripts (HarlMan1)
2.3.4 Walter Grimshaw Line in Trappes-Lomax (in preparation)
2.3.5 Walter Grimshaw Line in Foster (in preparation)
2.4 Grimshaw History at Eccleshill and Clayton-le-Moors (GrimHist)
2.4.1 Ainsworth’s History of Grimshaws at Clayton-le-Moors (AinsHist)
2.4.2 Clayton-le-Moors under the Lomaxes (LomxHist)
2.5 Grimshaw Location in Eccleshill Today (EcclToda)
2.5.1 Higher Grimshaw Farm (HighGrim)
2.5.2 Eccleshill in 1846 (Eccl1846)
2.5.3 Envelope Factory & Closed Paper Mill (in preparation)
2.6 Clayton Hall Today (ClayHall)
2.6.1 Leeds and Liverpool Canal (LeedCanl)
2.6.2 Former Clayton Hall (ClayForm)
2.6.3 Clayton-le-Moors in 1790 (ClM1790)
2.6.4 Dunkenhalgh (DunkHall)
2.6.5 Robert Eaton Drawings (in preparation)
2.7 The Grimshaw Serpent (GrimSerp)
2.7.1 Ooze Castle Wood (OozeCast)
3. Prominent Early Grimshaw Family Lines (PromLin1)
3.1 Oakenshaw Family Line
3.2 Oakenshaw Family Line (OaknLine)
3.3 Pendle Forest Family Line (PendLine)
3.3.1 The Preston Guardian 1877 Articles on the Pendle Forest Family Line (PresGuar)
3.3.2 Pendle Hill and Heyhouses (PendHey)
3.3.3 Grimshaw Monument in Fence (FencMonu)
3.3.4 Monumental Inscriptions in Fence (FencInsc)
3.4 “Irish” Line (IrshLine)
3.4 Edward and Dorytye/Dorothy (Raner) Grimshaw Line (EdwdDoro)
3.5 Shuttleworths of Gawthorp, Descendants of an Early Grimshaw Woman (ShutGawt)
3.6 “Master” Descendant Chart from Jim Grimshaw (in preparation)
4. IndusRev: Grimshaw Involvement in the Industrial Revolution (IndusRev)
4.1 Coal Mining at Eccleshill (CoalEccl)
4.1.1 LuddCoal: Luddington photo (in preparation)
4.1.2 GrimPark: John Grimshaw and the Sequestrated Coal Mines (in preparation)
4.2 Coal Mining at Clayton-le-Moors (CoalClay)
4.3 The Moorfield Pit Disaster (MoorPit)
4.4 Eccleshill Industrial Development (EcclIndu)
4.5 Industrial Development at the Grimshaw Location (GrimIndu)
4.5.1 Indu1846: 1846 Map with Mills (in preparation)
4.5.2 Railroad at Eccleshill, with Abutment (in preparation)
4.5.3 Paper Mill and Envelope Factory (in preparation)
4.5.4 Landfill Photo (in preparation)
4.6 Industrial Development at Clayton-le-Moors (ClayIndu)
4.6.1 The Leeds and Liverpool Canal (HL) (LeedCanl)
4.6.2 Grimshaws Active in Textiles – Crossley (in preparation)
4.6.3 Industrial Archeology of Clayton-le-Moors (in preparation)
4.6.4 Traces of Incipient Industrial Revolution in 1790 Map (in preparation)
4.7 James Hargreaves, Inventor and Spouse of Elizabeth Grimshaw (HargGrim)
4.8 Richard Arkwright and Edmund Cartwright, Textile Manufacturing Machine Inventors (ArkCartw)
4.9 Power-Loom Riots: Grimshaw Involvement (LoomRiot)
4.10 Nicholas Grimshaw, Key Figure in Bringing the Industrial Revolution to Ireland
5. World Population of Grimshaws (WorldPop)
6. Records of Grimshaw Immigrations to North America (ImmigNA)
6.1 Grimshaw Immigration Patterns and Details of Individual Immigrants (ImmigDetail)
6.2 Grimshaw Immigration Reference
s (ImigRef)
7. Early Census Records for Grimshaws in the U.S. (CensRecd)
7.1 References for Census Records with Grimshaw Entries (CensRef)
8. North American Grimshaw Family Lines – Overview (NortAmer)
8.1 The Edwin A. Grimshaw Collection of American Grimshaw Family Trees
8.2 William and Elizabeth (Lepninah) Grimshaw (WilmLepn)
8.3 George and Charlotte (Menard) Grimshaw (GeorChar)
8.3.1 John James and MaryAnn (Mahoney) Grimshaw (JohnMary)
8.3.2 George Thomas and Aris (Ladd) Grimshaw (GeorAris)
8.4 Zephaniah Grimshaw Lines (ZephGrim)
8.4.1 William and MaryAnn (Blair) Grimshaw (WilmBlai)
8.4.2 How the Town of Grimshaw, Alberta Got Its Name (AlbertGr)
8.5 Duckworth and Mary Jane (Moyes) Grimshaw Line (DuckMoys)
8.6 William Robinson and Sarah (Rhoads) Grimshaw Line (WilmRhod)
8.7 Eleanor Grimshaw & Her Two Families (EleaGrim)
8.8 A Poem about Eleanor’s Grimshaw Ancestors (GrimPoem)
8.9 Joseph Grimshaw & His Two Families (JosephGr)
8.10 Thomas & Helen (Brettargh) Grimshaw (ThomBret)
8.11 William Grimshaw, Noted Historian (WilmHist)
9. Grimshaw Family Miscellanea
The Sinking of the Caleb Grimshaw, Emigrant Ship (ShipCalb)9.2
William Grimshaw of Haworth, Noted Evangelist (HawrthWm)9.3
The Grimshaw Line at Audenshaw (AudLine)9.4
Moses Grimshaw, a Story of Lancashire Life (MoseGrim)
Future Potential Webpages
10.1 Arthur Grimshaw the Civil War Colonel (ArthCivl)
10.2 Robert Grimshaw the Engineer (RobtEngr)
10.3 Roly Grimshaw the Soldier (RolySold)
10.4 Thomas Wrigley Grimshaw the Physician (ThomPhys)
10.5 Atkinson Grimshaw the Artist (AtknArt)
10.6 Beatrice Grimshaw the South Pacific Fiction Author (BeatAuth)
10.7 Mary Grimshaw, Charwoman to King Charles, Jersey (MaryChar)
10.8 Grimshaw References (Refrence)
Webpage History
Webpage posted October 2000.