William Grimshaw was born on October 14, 1830 in Accrington, Lancashire and emigrated to the U.S. in about 1847. After living for a brief time in Pennsylvania, he moved to Bordentown, New Jersey where he apparently married Emily Brown in 1853. After living there for more than 20 years, the family relocated to Staten Island in 1873, where William was engaged as a carpenter for the remainder of his life. William’s roots in Lancashire have not yet been discovered.
William was the son of James and Ellen (Cockler) Grimshaw. He had four siblings, James, Robert, William, and Mary, all of whom also immigrated to the U.S. as did James Grimshaw, his father. At some time in the future, it may be possible to create a webpage on James Grimshaw, William’s father, who was the earlier immigrant.
William and Emily Grimshaw had four children — William J., Frank P., Lamar C., and Margaret. William’s oldest son, William J., operated a stationery and confectionery business that became later focused on selling ice cream when it was first introduced. This William J. Grimshaw also sold many postcards with images of landmarks and other locations on Staten Island.
William died in 1905, followed by Emily in 1908. Both are buried at Fairview cemetery on Staten Island with many of their descendants.
Note: In June 2015 Russell Grimshaw provided a great deal of information on William Grimshaw, which has been added to the appropriate sections below. This information includes William’s parents, James and Ellen (Cockler) Grimshaw, a much more complete descendant chart, evidence of William’s immigration with his father and three brothers, and a death certificate for William.
Thanks go to Trudell Wright for first identifying this family line to the website author during her researches on an unrelated Grimshaw family line on Staten Island. This family line is described on a companion webpage. Thanks also to Rob Foran for providing essential grave photos from Fairview Cemetery on Staten Island. Thanks to Russell Grimshaw, who provided much additional information as described in the introduction above.
Biography of William J. Grimshaw, William and Emily’s Son
The following biography of William J. Grimshaw contains a great deal of information on his parents, William and Emily (Brown) Grimshaw. The biography1 was found as a result of a search for “Grimshaw” on the Heritage Quest database (entry 75, p. 159-161), which is described on a companion webpage.
75. Leng, Charles W. Staten Island and its people: a history, 1609-1929: New York: Lewis Historical Pub.Co. 1930-1933, 2703 pgs. (p 159-161)
WILLIAM J. GRIMSHAW – The founder of a widely-known and firmly-established mercantile and manufacturing enterprise in West New Brighton, the late William J. Grimshaw will long be remembered as an admirable and devoted resident of Staten Island. Aside from his immediate business, his other activities included an official position with a leading financial institution and a keen interest in affairs of a religious nature. Mr. Grimshaw represented the second generation of his family to reside on Staten Island , his father, William Grimshaw, having settled here more than fifty years ago. Of English descent, members of this family were numbered for long years among the residents of the village ofAkrington, England, where they doubtless pursued occupations kindred to the community. William Grimshaw, the elder, was born in Ackrington, on October 14, 1830 and acquired his education in the schools of that community. Upon reaching the age of seventeen he determined to forsake his native land in search of a business career abroad and thus sailed to the United States in the same year. Not long after arriving in this country he went westward to Kensington,Pennsylvania, where he resided briefly. In a subsequent year his place of residence was at Bordentown New Jersey, where he entered the employ of the Camden and Amboy Railway Company.
The youth was well-equipped for the duties be had undertaken, not only because of his willingness to work long and industriously, but because of his self reliance and sense of responsibility. His first position with the company was a minor one but consequent promotions led ultimately to his designation as foreman in the car furnishing department of the railroad, a post he held for more than twenty years.
In 1873 Mr. Grimshaw removed with his family to Staten Island and settled in West New Brighton. The following year he bought the property situated at the corner of Castleton Avenue and State Street in that village, established a modest residence and dwelt there for practically the remainder of his lifetime. A carpenter by calling, he founded a shop of this character at his home and remained thus engaged for the balance of his active career.
Apart from the interests allied with his occupation, Mr. Grimshaw’s principal attachments were to his church and his family. Upon coming to Staten Island from Bordentown he had become united with the Park Baptist Church of Port Richmond, by letter. He remained a devout member and officer of that house of worship for thirty-two years ending with his death. It is recounted that he was regularly accustomed to attend two services on Sunday in addition to a mid-week meeting and neither: inclement weather nor sickness interfered with his presence. The actual duties that he performed on behalf of this church were manifold, for he served both as a deacon and trustee for several terms. Not only did he lead the choir during the regular church services but he also led the singing in the Sunday school. To entertainments and all special programs sponsored by the church his assistance was generously given.
Mr. Grimshaw’s marriage had taken place in 1853 to Emily Brown of Scotch descent. They became parents of the following children; William J., of further mention; Frank P., whose home is located on Heberton Avenue; Lamar C, of 1533 Richmond Terrace; and Margaret, widow of the late Daniel W. Bedell of Medford,Massachusetts, and now residing in Kittanning, Pennsylvania. The elder Grimshaws devotion to his family was reflected in the steps he took toward their happiness and comfort. No less an interest did he evince in matters of broad public concern and in movements of community importance. OnDecember 18, 1905, his death occurred at the home of his son, William J. Grimshaw. Expressive of the high esteem in which Mr. Grimshaw was held was a review which appeared in the “Richmond County Advance” of December 23, 1905 , shortly after his death. In speaking of his departure the article related: “Thus went away from life a man whose career has been devoted to doing good and living for the benefit and blessing of others. He was a fine example of all the virtues that belong to the Christian character. Mrs. Emily (Brown) Grimshaw survived her husband until August, 1908. Both are buried in the family plot in Fairview Cemetery. William J. Grimshaw was bornAugust 16, 1854 at Trenton, New Jersey. As a youth he removed with his parents to Bordentown,New Jersey, where his schooling was virtually completed. For several years thereafter he remained in New Jersey and then came toStaten Island where he took a permanent residence. In 1876 he entered the confectionery and stationery business in West New Brighton. A small store was built which first served as a suitable foundation for a wholesale enterprise and later as a headquarters for a retail business that subsequently became recognized throughout the Island. During the formative years of this business it was his daily practice to gather a full wagon-load of merchandise and then set forth upon an Island-wide journey. He visited retail places of business in almost every nook and corner of theIsland, selling large amounts of goods to small merchants.
As time passed, Mr. Grimshaw foresaw the possibilities of large-scale ice cream consumption and to this end he devoted much of his time. It soon became necessary for him to discharge his goods rapidly in order to insure the safe and “cold” deliverance of his product, for in that day and age reliable refrigeration facilities were scant. Gradually he added other confectioners’ goods including, “Grimshaw’s Licorice Cough Drops,” a specially manufactured candy, which he made in a small factory of his own. For a short time white in the confectionery business Mr. Grimshaw undertook to photographStaten Island scenes, including those of prominent buildings, private dwellings, old landmarks and water-fronts. These he fashioned into post cards which in turn were purchased by local retail stores. An attractive album containing a large number of these views, clearly photographed and printed, now reposes in the Public Museum at St. George and will doubtless prove of especial interest in days to come.
A booklet, “Representative Business Men of Staten Island,” that appeared in 1893, gives evidence of the importance of his establishment. An article states in part: “Mr. Grimshaw, one of our most progressive and esteemed business men, began this business in 1876. His extensive retail trade now requires the assistance of three experience clerks and a wholesale trade is also conducted with the surrounding section. Mr. Grimshaw caters to large gatherings and special parties, his facilities for supplying this demand being exceptionally good.” From 1876 until 1921 Mr. Grimshaw continued to manage this establishment at1071 Castleton Avenue, though discontinuing in time his ice cream business. He was highly successful, due chiefly to unusual industry, resourcefulness and sound business principle. During the latter years of his life he was Staten island representative of the Albertype Company of Brooklyn besides conducting a stationery and school supply business. He also acquired property inWest New Brighton other than that upon which his store and residence stood. Like his father he was a strong churchman, being an attendant and trustee of the Park Baptist Church of Port Richmond. In matters of civic and financial importance he participated and served for some years as director of the Staten Island Building Loan and Savings Association and as a member of its real estate committee. William J. Grimshaw married on October 11, 1880, Elsie Scott, daughter of Adam and Elsie (Stewart) Scott of West New Brighton. Both the elder Scott and his wife were natives ofScotland and their association withStaten Island began about 1850. Mr. Scott established a florist shop soon after his arrival and in the management of this business he was aided by his son, Adam John Scott, the present proprietor, whose biography is found elsewhere in this work. William J. and Elsie (Scott) Grimshaw became the parents of three children: 1. Charles William, deceased. 2. Elsie Scott. 3. Mabel Stewart, deceased. There are also five grandchildren: Lillian, Elsie ‘and Charles Grimshaw, and Mildred and George H. Turner, Jr.
William J. Grimshaw, the elder, passed away onJune 2, 1931 , aged seventy-six. Funeral rites were conducted from his late home on Taylor Street by the Rev. G. T. Wood of the First Baptist Church of New Brighton, and the Rev. Dr. Havergil Shepard, for the pastor of the Park Baptist Church. Interment followed in FairviewCemetery. Resolutions testifying to the loyal support that he had rendered local organizations and the high regard that its members had for him were forthcoming. Two such societies, the ParkBaptist Churchand the Staten Island Building Loan and Savings Association were strong in their praise of his character. The former society through its secretary, Thomas Chisholm, wrote the following tribute in a letter headed
“In Memoriam – William J. Grimshaw”:
We, the trustees ofPark BaptistChurch, Port Richmond, at a meeting held on June 11, 1931, recalled our great personal loss in the recent death of William J. Grimshaw, who had faithfully and lovingly served his church for so many years as trustee.
Whereof, in token of our high esteem and grateful remembrance, it is ordered that this minute be entered in the records of the Board of Trustees, and that a Copy be sent to his widow and daughter.
A resolution which was unanimously passed at the meeting of the Staten Island Building, Loan and Savings Association held at its office on June 19, 1931, was signed by Frank I. Smith, president, and John B. Springer, secretary of the organization. The resolution follows:
WHEREAS, The allotted span of the earthly life of our esteemed friend and associate, William J. Grimshaw, has ended and his soul returned to Him who gave it to be with Him forevermore, and
WHEREAS, He served this Association as a director and as a member of its real estate committee faithfully and with untiring patience for many years, and
WHEREAS, This Association has suffered a. loss of one who has been one of its most loyal supporters and advocates for the many years of his faithful service, and
WHEREAS, His family has lost a loving husband and an affectionate father, and the community a universally respected neighbor and friend, now therefore, be it
Resolved, That the officers and directors of the STATEN ISLAND BULDING LOAN AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION do hereby express their sincere regret at the loss which his family, this Association and the community has suffered and their personal sorrow at the termination of their comradeship with him, and as a final tribute to his memory, be it further
Resolved, That this resolution be spread on the minutes of this meeting, and a copy thereof be sent to his family, and that we now adjourn as a token of respect to the memory of William J. Grimshaw whose Kindly and helpful advice we will never have again.
Through the generous support and interest of Mrs. Elsie (Scott) Grimshaw the foregoing review and accompanying portrait are presented in this work.
Census Record Showing William Grimshaw’s Origins in Lancashire
Russell Grimshaw has found an 1841 census record for Rossendale District 5, Whalley Parish, Lancashire that shows William’s parents, James and Ellen Grimshaw, and their family as shown below.
James Grimshaw, age 40, Labourer Ellen Grimshaw, age 40 James Grimshaw, age 17, Dyer Robert Grimshaw, age 15, Blue Dog William Grimshaw, age 12, Tear Boy Mary Grimshaw age 8
Possible Immigration Record for William Grimshaw
Russell Grimshaw also found the following individuals on a manifest for the ship America, which arrived in New York from Liverpool on March 1, 1849,
James Grimshaw, age 50, Laborer James Grimshaw, age 25, Printer William Grimshaw, age 18, Printer
Although Russell indicates he cannot prove that these individuals were William and his family, the similarities of names and ages may be significant. The above biography indicates that William immigrated in 1847 at age 17, two years earlier than the arrival of the America. An image of the ship’s manifest from Russell is shown below; James, James, and William are entries 48, 49, and 50.
It should be noted that the descendant chart from Russell Grimshaw (shown below) indicates that William Grimshaw, his father James, and all three of his siblings died in the U.S. Perhaps the other three children arrived in a subsequent voyage. Russell also provided the following image and information for the SS America.
Descendant Chart for William and Emily Grimshaw
Information from the above biography and letters from Jeanette McEwan and Herbert Grimshaw (shown below) was combined to develop the following descendant chart for William and Emily. Information also from Ancestry.com: Dalton/Turner/Straub/Ohler/Gyarmati/Evans/ More” family line.
Fortunately, a much more detailed descendant chart has been received from Russell Grimshaw. It may be viewed by clicking here. This chart shows that William Grimshaw’s parents were James and Ellen (Cockler) Grimshaw and that he had three siblings – James, Robert, and Mary Grimshaw.
Unknown Grimshaw
|—–William Grimshaw (14 Oct 1830, Accrington, Lancashire – 18 Dec 1905, West Brighton, NY) & Emily Brown (8 Apr 1833, Philadelphia, PA – 28 Jul 1908, West New Brighton, NY). Married 1853, Trenton, NJ
|—–|—–William J Grimshaw (16 Aug 1854, Trenton, NJ – 2 Jun 1931) & Elsie Scott (1856 or 1858, West New Brighton, NY – 20 Apr 1941, New York). Married 11 Oct 1880, West New Brighton, NY.
|—–|—–|—–|—–Lillian Grimshaw (1906, Staten Island, NY – 1982, Stanford, FL) & George Connelly (?, Staten Island, NY – ?, Staten Island, NY)
|—–|—–|—–|—–Elsie Grimshaw (1908 – ?)
|—–|—–|—–|—–Charles Grimshaw (10 May 1910, Brooklyn, NY – 9 Mar 1985, Fort Meyers, FL) & Unknown. Married 1931
|—–|—–|—–|—–Charles Grimshaw (10 May 1910, Brooklyn, NY – 9 Mar 1985, Fort Meyers, FL) & Marian Lucille Schuster. Married Jun 1959.
|—–|—–|—–Charles William Grimshaw* (1882 – 1916) & Louise McElhone?
|—–|—–|—–Elsie Scott Grimshaw & George H Turner
|—–|—–|—–|—–Mildred Turner (could be Mabel’s daughter)
|—–|—–|—–|—–George H Turner Jr (could be Mabel’s son)
|—–|—–|—–Mabel Stewart Grimshaw (1888 – 1929) & unknown Turner
|—–|—–Frank P Grimshaw (1863, West New Brighton, NY – 1941, West New Brighton, NY) & Emma unknown
|—–|—–Lamar C Grimshaw (2 Dec 1870, Bordentown, NJ – 28 Jul 1950, West New Brighton, NY) & Lila or Lilla M Dupignac (9 Jul 1874, Farmingdale, NY – 12 Jul 1971, Staten Island, NY)
|—–|—–|—–Herbert W Grimshaw (11 Sep 1897, Staten Island, NY – ?, Philadelphia, PA) & Emma Rose Mayer (21 May 1902, New York City, NY – 1999, Philadelphia, PA). Married 29 Jan 1924, Connecticut.
|—–|—–|—–Russell C Grimshaw (13 Jul 1898, West New Brighton, NY – 31 Dec 1970, West New Brighton, NY) & Aurelia Matthius (30 May 1903, West New Brighton, NY – 28 Jun 1989, West New Brighton, NY)
|—–|—–|—–|—–Russell Grimshaw, Jr & Jeanne Gladys Surko (ca 1928 – 29 Jul 2010)
|—–|—–|—–|—–|—–Russell Grimshaw, Jr & Vicki
|—–|—–|—–|—–|—–|—–Chip Grimshaw & Kristin (could be Richard Grimshaw’s)
|—–|—–|—–|—–|—–|—–Doug Grimshaw (could be Richard Grimshaw’s)
|—–|—–|—–|—–Audry Jane Grimshaw (5 Nov 1931, Staten Island, NY – Jun 1941, Staten Island, NY)
|—–|—–|—–Gertrude Lilla Grimshaw (17 Jan 1904, Staten Island, NY – ?) & William A Gudekanst
|—–|—–Margaret E. Grimshaw (8 Jan 1860, Bordentown, NJ – 25 Feb 1960, Purvis, MS) & Daniel Washburn Bedell (1860, New York, NY – ?) Married 17 Jun 1887
|—–|—–|—–Gladys Margaret Bedell (16 Jun 1889, W. New Brighton, Staten Island, NY 0 13 Feb 1956, Pittsburgh, PA) & Headly Vickers Ingham (16 Apr 1888, Wakefield, MA – )
|—–|—–|—–|—–Auriol E Engham (1913 – )
|—–|—–|—–|—–Headley Vickers Ingham, Jr (1915 – ?)
|—–|—–|—–|—–James D. Ingham (29 Jun 1919 – ?)
|—–|—–|—–|—–John Frederick Ingham (11 Apr 1927, Kittaning, PA – ?)
|—–|—–James Albert Grimshaw (1863/64 – 6 Jan 1920, Staten Island, NY) [not married]
|—–|—–William Ernest Grimshaw (25 Jun 1865, Bordentown, NJ – 12 May 1937, Washington, DC)
|—–|—–|—–Jeanette Grimshaw & Unk McEwan
|—–|—–|—–Estelle R. Grimshaw (never married?)
|—–|—–|—–Ernest S. Grimshaw (19 Mar 1906, North Caldwell, NJ – 30 Jun 1931, Caldwell, NJ)
Did William Have a Brother Who Also Lived on Staten Island?
An intriguing 1985 letter from Jeanette McEwan indicates that William may have come to the U.S. with a brother who also lived on Staten Island. This letter appears in a companion webpage on the Edwin A. Grimshaw collection of Grimshaw family lines; it reads as follows:
McEwan, Jeannette G. – Montclair, NJ – (EAG 63)
November 14, 1985
E. A. Grimshaw
704 Gentilly Street
Lake Charles, La. 70605
Dear E. A.
This is in reply to your undated letter which you sent to my sister, Miss Estelle R. Grimshaw, in Whiting, New Jersey in January 1980, addressing her as “Mr. Grimshaw”, regarding the tracing of the genealogy of your Grimshaw family. My sister sent your letter on to me in February 1980 since she is not familiar with Grimshaw family history. I am sorry that your letter was mislaid and never answered. I came across it at this late date and shall give you what information I know of my fathers family.
My father was William Ernest Grimshaw, born June 25, 1865 in Bordentown, New Jersey. He had an older brother, James Albert Grimshaw – I do not know the date or place of his birth, but I do know that he died suddenly on January 6, 1920 on Staten Island, N. Y., at the age of about 56 or 57. This brother never married and so had no family. My father died May 12, 1937, I believe in a hospital in Washington, D. C.
Regarding my fathers father (my grandfather) I have no information, except I was told that he passed on when my father was a baby or a very young child. I think the elder Mr. Grimshaw might have been born in England, but of this I am not sure and I have no living relatives from whom to obtain such information.
My fathers mother was Esther Frances Wood – I do not know when or where she was born, but I do know that after the passing of her first husband (Mr. Grimshaw) she married an Edward Webster, who was born in England. They lived for some years in Washington, D.C. and had a daughter, Esther V. Webster (my aunt) born in 1872. The second husband, Edward Webster, died Feb 14, 1917, on Staten Island. I believe my grandmother, Esther Wood – Grimshaw, then Webster, died in April 1899 on Staten Island where the family had lived for some years, and Mr. Edward Webster was a miller, prior to 1900.
I had one brother, Ernest S. Grimshaw, born March 19, 1906 in North Caldwell, New Jersey, and who died June 30, 1931 in Caldwell, New Jersey at the age of 25. He never married.
There was another Grimshaw family living on Staten Island, one member of which was I believe a W. J. Grimshaw, a cousin of my father, so not doubt his father and my fathers father were brothers. I never met, or knew, any of this Grimshaw family. Some of that Grimshaw family still lived on S.I. a few years ago, so you may be able to locate some of them by checking a Staten Island telephone directory. Sorry I cannot be of much help to you.
(Mrs.) Jeannette G. McEwan
Based on the information in this letter, the following partial descendant chart can be constructed:
|—–|—–James Albert Grimshaw (1863/64 – 1 Jun 1920, Staten Island, NY) [not married]
|—–|—–William Ernest Grimshaw (25 Jun 1865, Bordentown, NJ – 12 May 1937, Washington, DC)
|—–|—–|—–Jeanette Grimshaw & Unknown McEwan
|—–|—–|—–Estelle R. Grimshaw (never married?)
|—–|—–|—–Ernest S. Grimshaw (19 Mar 1906, North Caldwell, NJ – 30 Jun 1931, Caldwell, NJ) Never married.
This descendant chart clearly indicates that William had a brother (who married Esther Wood) living on Staten Island during the same timeframe that he and his family were living there (assuming the information in the letter is accurate).
Note: This mystery is cleared up with the more complete descendant chart from Russell Grimshaw, shown above.
Another Letter with Descendant Information
Another letter from the Edwin A. Grimshaw collection of Grimshaw family lines, this one from Herbert W. Grimshaw, provides additional information on William and Emily’s descentants; it reads as follows:
Grimshaw, Herbert W. – Philadelphia, Pa. – (EAG 21)
1253 Gilham St.
Phila, Pa.
Jan 12, 1980
Dear “EAG”
I am receipt of your recent letter concerning the genealogy of the Grimshaw clan. I have looked very carefully over the list of names submitted and regret to advise that none of the names are familiar to me. I can track my ancestry back to my grand father William Born in Accrington, England and my grand mother Emily. They emigrated in 1800 to Bordentown, New Jersey and raised their family. First William then Margaret and then Frank. Next came Lamar (my father born in 1870). He married Lilla my mother born in 1872.
They raised 3 children, Herbert (thats me), Russell, and Gertrude.
During my association with the company, which employed me, I traveled extensively. Some of my “ports of call” which should interest you was the Jefferson Island Salt Co. at New Iberia, which I toured and the Texaco Oil Plant at Port Arthur.
Several years ago (1978), I had correspondence with a Charles Grimshaw of Renton, in the state of Washington seeking similar to your request.
It is possible that if you should care to write to him that he could help you in your endeavors.
His name and address is:
Charles R. Grimshaw
15825 132 nd Pl.
Renton, Wash. 98055
Good luck to you
Herbert W. Grimshaw – Philadelphia
Note: The information in this letter is clarified with the more complete descendant chart from Russell Grimshaw, shown above.
Advertisement of William J. Grimshaw’s Confectionery and Stationery Business
Trudell Wright found the following ad appeared in a privately published cookbook2:
William J. Grimshaw, Son of William and Prolific Staten Island Photographer
William’s Grimshaw’s son, William J. Grimshaw, apparently made and sold postcards as part of his stationery and confectionary business. Two examples of these postcards
William J. Grimshaw’s stationery and confectionery business was located at 87 Castleton in West New Brighton. A search of Mapquest found the following locations for West New Brighton and 87 Castleton.
Obituary of William Grimshaw
The source of the following obituary is from the Richmond County Advance, West New Brighton, NY, November 23, 1905.
Death Certificate of William Grimshaw
Russell Grimshaw has provided the following image of William Grimshaw’s death certificate.
Obituary of Lamar, Son of William and Emily Grimshaw
The New York Times published an obituary for Lamar Grimshaw in 1950; it is provided below.
Final Resting Places of William and Emily Grimshaw and Their Descendants
First of two plots in Fairview Cemetery…
Gravestone of William and Emily Grimshaw. Thanks to Rob Foran for sending this photo in March 2013 in response to request made on Find-A-Grave. The grave includes Frank D Grimshaw, son of William and Emily.
Footstones associated with the above headstone.
Grave Description on Find-A-Grave
Birth: unknown Death: unknown see also: C(G)rimshaw, here at Fairview Cemetery at F.A.G.
The tombstone could either be a “C” or a “G”.
William C(G)rimshaw Born Oct. 14, 1830 Died Dec. 17, 1905 and wife, Emily C(G)rimshaw Born April 3, 1833 Died July 28, 1908 1863 Frank D. 1941 ______________________ FOOTSTONES:Lamar C., 1870 – 1930 ———————- Lilla M. 1874 – 1971
Burial: Fairview Cemetery Castleton Corners Richmond County New York, USA
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Created by: Barbara Elsie Feist Stie… Record added: Dec 27, 2005 Find A Grave Memorial# 12800380
Burial: Fairview Cemetery Castleton Corners Richmond County New York, USA
This grave is identified with Charles Grimshaw, grandson of William and Emily Grimshaw. But it includes his parents, William J and Elsie (Scott) Grimshaw, his wife Rachel G Grimshaw (shown in the descendant chart as Louise McElhone?), and his sister Mabel (Grimshaw) Turner.
Grave Description on Find-A-Grave
Birth: 1882 Death: 1916
MAIN monument states: Elsie S. 1856 – 1941 G R I M S H A W (on an angle) Rachel G. wife of Charles W. 1880 – 1943 __________________________ surrounding footstones state: William J. 1854 – 1931 FATHER ——————– Mabel G. Turner 1888 – 1929 ——————– Charles W. 1882 – 1916 ——————– Elsie Scott 1884 – 1944 ——————– GRIMSHAW 1910 Charles W. 1985 _________________________ (see also, each individual above, entered into Fairview Cemetery, all at F.A.G.)
NOTE: no relation to B.E.F. Stienstra. Photograph by Gregory J. Stienstra.
Burial: Fairview Cemetery Castleton Corners Richmond County New York, USA
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Created by: Barbara Elsie Feist Stie… Record added: Dec 27, 2005 Find A Grave Memorial# 12800919
Better Photo of Second Plot from Rob Foran, March 25, 2013
1Leng, Charles W., Staten Island and its people: a history, 1609-1929: New York: Lewis Historical Pub. Co. 1930-1933, 2703 pgs. (Reference 75 in “Grimshaw” search on Heritage Quest)
2(cookbook citation in preparation)
Webpage History
Skeletal webpage posted August 2004. Completed in November 2004. Updated March 2007 with addition of Lamar Grimshaw’s obituary from the New York Times. Updated March 2013 with addition of obituary, photo from obituary, grave photos, and change of banner. Updated June 2015 with information from Russell Grimshaw, including William Grimshaw’s parents and death certificate, several siblings, and apparent immigration record. Russell (Chip) Grimshaw provided information on the descendant chart and source of William’s obituary in November 2023.